[Video] How to Approach Expert Advice

How to Approach Expert Advice

A video on how to approach expert advice, recommendations, and sometimes orders. In a nutshell we should respect expertise, seek out expert advice and guidance, but evaluate the advice critically and not assume it is correct or infallible — or nearly so. There are many historical examples of experts, both individually and collectively, being quite wrong, even remarkably or laughably wrong. I discuss the at least thirty-five (35) drugs that were FDA approved and subsequently withdrawn over safety and effectiveness problems, with a focus on Merck’s blockbuster Vioxx painkiller, a small subset of known examples in medicine and health.

Article on the Thirty-Five (35) Withdrawn FDA Approved Drugs: https://prescriptiondrugs.procon.org/fda-approved-prescription-drugs-later-pulled-from-the-market/

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