How To Reduce YouTube Distractions

YouTube PullDown Menu with Settings Menu Item

YouTube can be very distracting.  It is easy to spend many minutes, hours, even days watching videos of little or no value. If for example, you value your time only at the federal minimum wage in the United States — $7.25/hour — then ten hours of wasted YouTube watching in a week represents $72.50.  Many people who use YouTube, especially professionally, should value their time much higher than the minimum wage.  I usually value my time at $50/hour for business planning purposes.

Distracting YouTube videos are also often highly emotional and frequently negative; they generate anger, frustration, high blood pressure and other adverse consequences whose costs beyond the immediately wasted time are difficult to even evaluate.

YouTube is funded mostly by advertising and the distracting videos often have the purpose and sometimes the effect of getting us to buy something that we don’t need or that may even be harmful to us.

In this post I will discuss several ways to reduce time wasting distractions from YouTube, present some general observations and opinions on distractions caused by YouTube, and suggest some ways YouTube might improve the end user experience and even make more money by doing so.

Active Distractions

By active distractions, I mean distractions such as e-mail notifications and smartphone notifications that actively interrupt the user.  They buzz.  They beep.  They flash across the computer screen.  They appear as alarming red badges on icons.

Like most social media web services, YouTube by default enables many active e-mail, smartphone, and computer notifications.  Most of these can be turned off either in the YouTube account settings or the settings for the smartphone or computer.  Generally, all you really need to receive are any bills or receipts.

Passive Distractions

For me, a bigger problem with YouTube — and also other social media such as Facebook — has been passive distractions.  A passive distractions is typically something that appears in your field of view such as a thumbnail image and/or catchy emotive headline that stimulates a strong emotional response and often an urge to click on the image or link.  On YouTube this is typically one or more of the recommendations produced by YouTube.

YouTube appears to be collecting and storing a detailed personal history of everything you click on, watch, or do on YouTube.  Probably this is integrated with other information that Google is collecting about you.

I have used YouTube for many years and it seems to be getting much better in the last few years at finding “recommendations” that “push my buttons”  — get me to click and watch videos that often aren’t that useful but cause a strong emotional reaction.  This may be the consequence of new algorithms such as the Machine Learning and Deep Learning research that Google publicizes heavily.

Removing Distracting Recommendations from Your YouTube Home Page

At present (January 28, 2018), you can remove the recommendations from your default YouTube home page by clearing and pausing the search and watch histories in the YouTube Settings.

For me, removing the recommendations on the YouTube Home Page significantly reduces the passive distractions, although once I watch a video, YouTube will still push distracting recommendations on the individual video page — not the Home Page.  It will also occasionally recommend some YouTube channels on the Home Page which is markedly less distracting than the personalized video recommendations.

Upper Left Corner of My YouTube Home Page
Upper Left Corner of My YouTube Home Page

You can get to the YouTube Settings by clicking on the avatar icon/thumbnail in the upper right corner of your YouTube Home Page.

YouTube PullDown Menu with Settings Menu Item
YouTube PullDown Menu with Settings Menu Item

Clicking will bring up a pulldown menu with a Settings Menu Item.  Select the Settings menu item.  This brings up the Settings Overview page.  At the bottom of the Settings Overview page (as well as the other Settings pages) there is a History button.

My YouTube Settings Overview Page with History Button Circled
My YouTube Settings Overview Page with History Button Circled

Click on the History button to bring up the settings for the search and watch histories.

Clear and Pause Watch History Menu
Clear and Pause Watch History Menu

Use this menu to clear and pause both the search and the watch histories.  Once this is done (at least for me), the personalized video recommendations disappear from your YouTube Home Page.  Mostly you see your subscribed channels and occasionally YouTube will recommend an unsubscribed channel.  I usually click the X button to dismiss the recommended channel.

YouTube Pushing Unsubscribed Channel
YouTube Pushing Unsubscribed Channel

So far, this has greatly reduced the passive distractions for me from the YouTube Home Page and using YouTube.

It is pretty clear from the video recommendations that appear when watching a specific YouTube video (not the Home Page), that YouTube continues to retain watch and search history information despite the change in the settings.  I still see highly personalized recommendations which can sometimes be distracting.

Blocking YouTube Entirely

You can block YouTube, Facebook, and other distracting web sites or applications entirely by using software such as SelfControl, ColdTurkey, and other competing products.  These can be configured to block access to the web site or software application (such as a game) on your computer for certain periods of time such as during the work day (9 AM to 5PM for example).

One of the problems with blocking web sites is that YouTube has lectures, technical presentations, sales presentations, and other content that is genuinely useful at work.  Facebook, on the other hand, is usually entirely a personal activity and blocking it during work is not a problem for most people unless your work involves Facebook.

The Race to the Bottom of the Brain Stem

What YouTube specifically and many other social media services (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) appear to be doing, whether by design or somewhat unwittingly, is what former Google engineer Tristan Harris has labeled as “the race to the bottom of the brain stem.”  In practical terms, they are using “Big Data” and machine learning algorithms to identify highly emotional topics that “push our buttons,” that invoke primal impulses such as “fight or flight” that override our higher cognitive function.  That gets us to click and watch videos of little or no real value.

The primal impulses are nothing new.  They include such hot button topics as:

  • Sex
  • Violence
  • Interpersonal Conflict
  • Our personal and group sense of identity
  • Religion and spirituality

For example, if you are a heterosexual guy it is almost certain if YouTube pushes a thumbnail of a pretty scantily clad young woman, you will have an emotional response and be distracted regardless of your higher cognitive function — and often click and watch.  If you are a heterosexual woman, you probably will have the same reaction to a scantily clad athletic young man.  Music videos, a popular YouTube video category, in particular exploit this a lot.

In fact, much of the mock drama on YouTube seems to incorporate many of these hot button topics in a single video.  And people watch.

Many other social media sites are doing the same thing or something similar.  We even have a President who clearly practices this sort of emotional hot button pushing on Twitter, on cable and broadcast TV, and on YouTube.

Violence and interpersonal conflict in particular invoke the powerful and often short-sighted fight or flight response.

Waiting for greedy, short-sighted corporations or politicians to fix this emotional hot button pushing problem is unlikely to succeed.  Government action is also difficult to reconcile with the ideal of a free press.

People — customers, consumers — need to look out for themselves, reduce the distractions, and find effective ways to insulate themselves from the emotional hot button pushing.

Why Primal Impulses Override Our Higher Cognitive Function

Primal impulses override our higher cognitive function for good reasons.  The example that is often given is our ancestors thousands of years ago encountering a major predator such as a tiger or bear.  There is no time for higher cognitive function.  The fight or flight response kicks in and, in this case correctly, overrides and even shuts down our capacity for careful, time consuming analysis.

A more relevant modern example is handling a car accident or near car accident.  There just isn’t time to perform an in depth rational analysis of what is happening.  The driver needs to react immediately. In a serious car accident, hitting the brakes or turning sharply — a flight response — can be the difference between life and death.

The problem is that in the modern world we are often confronted with threats or emotional stimuli that don’t in fact require an immediate emotional response.  They often require careful thought. Nonetheless, the primal instincts can take over completely.  High intelligence, education is often not an adequate defense.  The response is fast and instinctive as it needs to be in a car accident.

YouTube, other social media services, and other new technologies are rapidly developing greater and greater ability to invoke these primal impulses, overriding the higher cognitive function of even highly intelligent, educated, experienced people.  An immediate consequence is high levels of distraction and wasted time.  More serious consequences could include stoking conflicts and starting a major war, even a nuclear war.

A Better YouTube?

YouTube is funded primarily by advertising which creates a strong perverse financial incentive for the emotional hot button pushing and the distraction.  The more advertising you watch, the more money they make.

A YouTube or YouTube competitor funded by short free sample videos and micro-payments for longer, more in depth content could avoid this perverse financial incentive and probably make more money.   By most accounts, YouTube is not profitable and seems to be struggling to find a viable business model.

My personal impression from using YouTube is that advertising on YouTube is mostly ineffective.  I go to YouTube for the content, either “how to” information or entertainment.  I don’t go to YouTube for the advertising and generally ignore it.  My educated guess is most YouTube viewers are the same although I am well past the main age demographic of YouTube viewers.

I would be willing to pay directly for some of the content, but typically not short few minute videos or low quality content.  I don’t like subscriptions since they often prove expensive and difficult to cancel.  My personal unscientific impression based on my personal experience is that free short or lower quality content and micropayments for longer in depth content would bring in more money than advertising.

YouTube uses free samples and micro-payments with movie trailers and one time rental or purchase payments for many movies, but it is clearly not their major source of revenues.  In my own experience, I will pay a few dollars to “rent” a movie from YouTube a few times per month.  I have never bought something based on a YouTube ad.

YouTube — and many social media services — would be better if the end users had fine grained control over the algorithms in their account settings.  There are add on products such as Social Fixer for Facebook that add this to some social media services.  Nanny software that enables parents to control or try to control what their children see on the Internet is a related product.

It would be better to be able to configure YouTube to block emotional hot button content except for a few hours per week when you have the time and are prepared to deal with emotional topics.


It is currently possible to reduce the passive distractions from personalized YouTube recommendations on your YouTube Home Page — in my experience a major source of the distractions — by clearing and pausing the watch and search histories in the YouTube Account settings.  It is also possible to completely block YouTube using blocking software such SelfControl, ColdTurkey, and many others.  I have had pretty good results with these methods.

More generally, it is increasingly important due to the rapidly improving distraction technology to insulate yourself from the emotional hot button pushing on YouTube and many other social media services.  It is an on-going battle.  YouTube could easily disable the method described in this blog post.

It is important and prudent to evaluate on a monthly or even weekly basis the distractions and emotional hot button pushing from current “technology” including social media services and smartphone operating systems.  The distraction technology is improving rapidly.

The distractions are costly in time and productivity and probably have other hidden or difficult to measure costs such as buying something you don’t need, voting for a politician or public policy that is harmful, or getting into an unnecessary conflict with colleagues, friends, or family.


(C) 2018 by John F. McGowan, Ph.D.

John F. McGowan, Ph.D. solves problems using mathematics and mathematical software, including developing gesture recognition for touch devices, video compression and speech recognition technologies. He has extensive experience developing software in C, C++, MATLAB, Python, Visual Basic and many other programming languages. He has been a Visiting Scholar at HP Labs developing computer vision algorithms and software for mobile devices. He has worked as a contractor at NASA Ames Research Center involved in the research and development of image and video processing algorithms and technology. He has published articles on the origin and evolution of life, the exploration of Mars (anticipating the discovery of methane on Mars), and cheap access to space. He has a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a B.S. in physics from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech).

Five Ways to Create and Display Slideshows on a Mac

This article explains five ways to create and display slideshows —  sequences of images — on a Mac (Macintosh personal computer) using the software that comes with the Mac.  These ways are:

  1. Using Option Spacebar to play selected images in the Finder
  2. Opening and Playing selected image files with Preview in Finder
  3. Creating Slideshows with Apple Photos
  4. Creating Slideshows with Apple iMovie
  5. Playing the Slideshow Images in Random Order (Shuffle) using the Desktop & Screen Saver control in System Preferences

This article also discusses how to avoid interruption of the slideshow by either the Mac Screen Saver or Energy Saver/Sleep when using an external display and security and privacy issues for slideshows.

These ways of creating and displaying slideshows were tested in detail on a MacBook Air running Mac OS X version 10.12.6 (macOS Sierra), Apple Photos 2.0 (3161.4.140), Preview Version 9.0 (909.18), iMovie version 10.1.7, and System Preferences Version 14.0 (the Desktop & Screen Saver control is part of System Preferences).

Using Option Spacebar to play selected images in the Finder

Select Image Files in Finder

Then, simply press the Option and Spacebar keys on the keyboard.  This will play the selected images as a slideshow in full screen mode.

Option and Spacebar Keys on Mac Keyboard
Option and Spacebar Keys on Mac Keyboard
Floating Slideshow Control for Option Spacebar

On the floating slideshow control, the left pointing arrow goes to the previous slide, the two vertical bars icon pauses playback (solid right pointing arrow resumes playback), the right pointing arrow advances to the next slide and the four squares icon brings up the “index sheet” view of the slide show which shows thumbnails for each slide on a single page:

Index Sheet in Option Spacebar Slideshow

The Option Spacebar method of displaying a slideshow has the advantage that it is simple, quick, and easily accessible from Finder, but gives minimal control over the slideshow.

Opening and Playing selected image files with Preview in Finder

The Apple Preview utility program has a slideshow capability and can be launched from Finder by selecting images in Finder and right clicking to bring up the menu — select open to open all the selected files.  Image files will open with Preview.

Launch Preview for Multiple Files Selected in Finder

Once Preview opens with all of the selected images (left pane in Preview screenshot below), launch the slideshow by selecting View Slideshow

Launch Slideshow from Menu in Preview

The Preview slideshow has a very simple floating control.  The double arrow pointing left goes to the first slide, the two vertical bars pauses the playback, the double arrow pointing right goes to the last slide, and the X in a circle icon exits the slideshow.

Preview Slideshow Floating Control


Creating Slideshows with Apple Photos

Both the Option Spacebar method and the Preview method give very limited control over the slideshow.  There is no control over playback speed, transitions between slides, sound, or other options.  Apple Photos can create slideshows quickly with considerable control over these and other options.  It can also export the slideshow as an MPEG-4 video.

The first step to creating a slideshow using Photos is to select the photos for the slideshow in Photos (in some cases, the images may need to be imported into Photos first)

Selecting Photos in Apple Photos 2.0 for Slideshow

Once the photos are selected in the Apple Photos utility program, select the Create Slideshow menu item:

Create Slideshow using Menu Item in Apple Photos 2.0

Photos will create the slideshow with a default name and prompt the user for a custom name if desired:

Slideshow Creation Popup with Default Name in Apple Photos 2.0


Rename Slideshow to Another Scenic Walk in Apple Photos 2.0

A named slideshow icon will be added under Projects in the left side pane.  Clicking on Projects will show a view with the thumbnails for each project (slideshow):

Apple Photos Projects with Thumbnails
Apple Photos Projects with Thumbnails

The thumbnail is generated from the first slide in the slideshow unless that slide image is Hidden in photos, in which case a dummy graphic is used.  The “More Art” project in the screenshot above uses a Hidden image as the first slide.  Because the first slide of a slideshow is frequently used as a thumbnail or otherwise displayed by default, it is prudent to select an innocuous slide for the first slide.

Double click on the thumbnail to open the project (slideshow).

Open Project in Apple Photos 2.0
Open Project in Apple Photos 2.0

Play the slideshow by clicking on the right pointing solid triangle below the main slide view (Play Button Icon).

Photos Slideshow Floating Control
Photos Slideshow Floating Control

The Photos slideshow playback has a floating control.  The volume of the slideshow background music or soundtrack is controlled by an icon in this floating control (slider bar on left side).

Photos enables detailed configuration of the slideshow, unlike the Option Spacebar method or the Preview method.

Configuring Slideshow Timing and Other Options
Configuring Slideshow Timing and Other Options
Selecting Slideshow Music or Sound Track
Selecting Slideshow Music or Sound Track
Selecting Slideshow Themes
Selecting Slideshow Themes

As mentioned, Photos can export a slideshow as a fully self-contained MPEG-4 video with full audio.  Click on the export button in the upper right corner of the project.  Photos supports three video resolutions (standard definition or SD, 720p High Definition, and 1080p High Definition).  Here is a short example slideshow created by exporting an MPEG-4 SD video from Photos:

Creating Slideshows with Apple iMovie

Apple iMovie can create slideshows including a soundtrack with detailed control over the duration of each individual slide, individual transitions between slides, and many other fancy Hollywood style effects.  This is probably more than most users need to do.

Scenic Walk Slideshow Project in iMovie
Scenic Walk Slideshow Project in iMovie

Playing the Slideshow Images in Random Order (Shuffle) using the Desktop & Screen Saver control in System Preferences

Remarkably the Mac does not provide an easy way to play the slides in random (or randomized) order, often referred to as Shuffle, in contrast to Windows and other competitors.  The predecessor program to Apple Photos, iPhoto, used to provide a shuffle option, but “it just works” appears to have been deprecated at Apple.

However, in the spirit of the new improved and even more expensive than before Apple, there is an awkward way to play slides in random order (randomized or shuffle) on the Mac using the Mac screen saver.

Screen Saver with Shuffle Slide Order Checked
Screen Saver with Shuffle Slide Order Checked
Choosing Folder with Slides Show Images in Screen Saver
Choosing Folder with Slides Show Images in Screen Saver
Choosing Slideshow Images from Folder in Screen Saver
Choosing Slideshow Images from Folder in Screen Saver
Choose Slides from Apple Photos in Screen Saver
Choose Slides from Apple Photos in Screen Saver
Choose Photos Album as Slideshow in Screen Saver
Choose Photos Album as Slideshow in Screen Saver

One needs to enable the Hot Corners in the Screen Saver to enable the user to immediately launch the randomized slide show by placing the mouse cursor at one of the Hot Corners.  Doesn’t that “just work?”   🙂

Note that one can quickly launch the Desktop & Screen Saver control by using Spotlight on the Mac.  Press Command Spacebar to open spotlight.  Then enter “Desktop & Screen Saver” and just hit return if the utility comes up as the Top Hit (it usually does).

Launching Desktop and Screen Saver with Spotlight
Launching Desktop and Screen Saver with Spotlight

Security and Privacy

Slideshows, slideshow images, slideshow image file names, slideshow folder and album names can all be serious security and privacy concerns.  Apple Photos has a built in feature to hide sensitive images from casual view.

Right Click on Selected Photos to Hide in Apple Photos 2.0
Right Click on Selected Photos to Hide in Apple Photos 2.0

Apple Photos puts all hidden photos in a special Hidden album.  Hidden images are not displayed in Photos, Memories, and several other standard locations.  They are visible in All Photos.  As noted above, if a slideshow project starts with a hidden image, the thumbnail for the slideshow project will be a dummy graphic rather than a thumbnail derived from the hidden image.

By default, the Hidden Album is displayed in the Albums list.  However, it is possible to hide the Hidden Album as well.

Photos Showing Hidden Album
Photos Showing Hidden Album
Menu Item to Hide the Hidden Photo Album
Menu Item to Hide the Hidden Photo Album

Select the Hide Hidden Photo Album menu item from the pulldown View menu to hide the Hidden Photo Album in Apple Photos.

Photos with Hidden Album Hidden
Photos with Hidden Album Hidden

One might wonder about an interface where a hidden album is not hidden by default.  🙂

As mentioned previously, it is probably prudent to choose an innocuous slide for the first slide in a slideshow wherever possible since the first slide is often either directly displayed or used for the thumbnail in some views.

Folder names and album names tend to hang around in various open dialogs and other GUI components on the Mac, so it is best to select secure privacy-protecting names for folders and albums with slide show images.  Generally avoid personally identifiable information, confidential or proprietary information and other sensitive names.

Interruptions on External Displays

In principle, the various applications that display slideshows on the Mac are supposed to block the screen saver and energy saver features while the slideshow is active.  This usually works, but I have experienced a number of cases with an external display where it unpredictably failed.  Either the screen saver or the display blanking happened in the middle of the slide show after the timeout was reached.

For important slideshow presentations or similar situations it is prudent to disable the usual screen saver and energy saver timeouts or to use a third-party program that simulates activity during the slideshow to prevent the screen saver from activating or the mac going to sleep.

These controls (located in System Preferences on the Mac) can be launched directly by typing “Desktop  & Screen Saver” or “Energy Saver” in Spotlight (type Command Key Spacebar to launch spotlight).

Desktop and Screen Saver in Mac System Preferences can Interrupt Some Slideshows
Desktop and Screen Saver in Mac System Preferences can Interrupt Some Slideshows
Power Adapter Turn Display Off Timeout can Interrupt Some Slideshows on Mac
Power Adapter Turn Display Off Timeout can Interrupt Some Slideshows on Mac
Energy Saver Battery Turn Display Off Timeout can Interrupt Some Slideshows on Mac
Energy Saver Battery Turn Display Off Timeout can Interrupt Some Slideshows on Mac

Third party applications such as AntiSleep can emulate activity on the Mac to prevent the timeouts from the Screen Saver and Energy Saver features.  Note that AntiSleep is just one of many such third-party applications.

Launching AntiSleep from Spotlight on Mac OS X 10.12.6
Launching AntiSleep from Spotlight on Mac OS X 10.12.6


Slideshow support is a weak area on the Mac, especially compared to the built-in slideshow features in Windows Explorer.  Apple has actually downgraded its slideshow support from iPhoto to Photos by removing the built-in shuffle/randomized playback feature.

These five methods to create and display slideshows will be more than adequate for the vast majority of users, although more awkward than possible.  It would be better if one could select a group of images in Finder and then directly set playback speed, transition type, shuffle versus ordered playback, and other options from the right click menu or some other accessible method without going through Apple Photos or the Screen Saver.

(C) 2017 by John F. McGowan, Ph.D.

John F. McGowan, Ph.D. solves problems using mathematics and mathematical software, including developing gesture recognition for touch devices, video compression and speech recognition technologies. He has extensive experience developing software in C, C++, MATLAB, Python, Visual Basic and many other programming languages. He has been a Visiting Scholar at HP Labs developing computer vision algorithms and software for mobile devices. He has worked as a contractor at NASA Ames Research Center involved in the research and development of image and video processing algorithms and technology. He has published articles on the origin and evolution of life, the exploration of Mars (anticipating the discovery of methane on Mars), and cheap access to space. He has a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a B.S. in physics from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech).