Someone broke into my storage locker in Mountain View (best known as Google’s home town) over the past weekend. I was notified but was not able to take a look until this morning. Fortunately, so far, nothing appears to have been taken or damaged. I don’t of course keep anything valuable, important, or that I cannot afford to lose in my storage locker.
About a dozen lockers, several neighboring lockers on the same floor and several on another floor with the same locker numbers for that floor, were reportedly broken into at the same time.
Many boxes were thrown about and cut or torn open, but nothing appears (so far) to have been taken or damaged. Supposedly the most common motive for locker break-ins is to get personal financial records related to bank accounts and other financial accounts as a step to gaining access to the money in the accounts. I don’t keep any personal records like that in my locker for that and other similar reasons.
While it does not look like I was personally targeted, it still leaves an uneasy feeling! One cannot be sure. 🙁
The picture below shows the boxes strewn about when I opened the locker this morning. They were neatly stacked and packed together in one corner before. Many of the smaller boxes and some of the larger ones were torn or cut — mostly cut — open.