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April 2020 guidance for filling out death certificates for possible COVID-19 related deaths

opportunistic infection


FluView web site FluView

leading causes of death report

FluView leading causes of death report the leading causes of death report

FluView Leading Causes of Death numbers

Disease Burden of Influenza

serious criticism Peter Doshi British Medical Journal

Peter Doshi argued

FluView leading causes of death

leading causes of death report FluView “a cause of death” National Vital Statistics Reports, Vol. 68, No. 6, June 24, 2019

FluView appears to count deaths where pneumonia or influenza is listed as “a cause of death,

leading causes of death numbers

Medical Examiners’ and Coroners’ Handbook on Death Registration and Fetal Death Reporting (2003 Revision)

Randy Hanzlick, M.D., Cause of Death and the Death Certificate: Important Information for Physicians, Coroners, Medical Examiners, And the Public, Randy Hanzlick Editor (2006), College of American Pathologists

FluView the leading causes of death report.

Leading Causes of Death Report FluView the influenza death model estimates that range from 12,000 to 61,000 deaths per year baseline

blood clots and other blood-related anomalies currently blamed on COVID-19

April 2020 guidelines for reporting COVID-19 deaths chronic obstructive pulmonary disease FluView

Cause of Death and the Death Certificate: Important Information for Physicians, Coroners, Medical Examiners, And the Public, Randy Hanzlick Editor (2006), College of American Pathologists

FluView FluView FluView

Ealy et al Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) Information Quality Act (IQA)

HP Labs NASA Ames Research Center cheap access to space University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign physics California Institute of Technology (Caltech).

One Reply to “Are COVID Death Numbers Comparing Apples and Oranges?”

  1. Thank you John for the massive amount of work that went into this. I have attempted to make sense of CDC’s numbers multiple times and given up in despair and disgust.

    I hope sometime soon to complement your work by discussing how “cases” have been redefined to be extremely inclusive, requiring only a positive PCR or antigen test to become a case, even when it is widely accepted that by screening over 1 million asymptomatic people daily, many thousands will turn up as false positives.

    Again, thank you so much for persevering with this deliberately confusing mess of contradictory statistics!!!

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